Credit Problems? Need a used car? You need Boyle Buy Here Pay Here! Why buy your next used car from Boyle Buy Here Pay Here?
25th Anniversary Specials!
Buy Here Pay Here Automobile Financing is our only business.
Apply online at this website 24/7.
Fast, easy loan approvals in less than 20 minutes!
We offer people, in and around Sumter, with no credit, bad credit, and bankruptcy auto financing not available anywhere else. Many times, we're the only place that will give someone a chance to finance their own car. We treat you like you want to be treated. Like family. We finance all title cars on our lot, not just some. And that means you make all your payments right here. We really are the Finance Company. We make all the decisions right here! Take a few minutes to read through our website. You can even apply on-line 24/7 OR you can visit our superstore. We'd love to hear from you!